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I am a software engineer who enjoys writing Python and Julia. Also a technical writer, open source contributor, and community lover.

Pushing boundaries


software and the power

of community

As a software developer and technical writer, I excel at crafting innovative solutions to complex problems. With my experience as a community lead, I have honed my ability to communicate technical concepts in a clear and accessible manner.

In my free time, I stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies, ensuring that I am always at the forefront of innovation. And when I'm not working, I love to have a good time and make unforgettable memories.

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Julia's Forem


Lets Talk Soon!



I am a software engineer who enjoys writing Python and Julia. Also a technical writer, open source contributor, and community lover.

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Pushing boundaries with software and the power of community

I have gathered 5 years of work experience in software development and also building collaborative student communities were people are inspired to start their journeys to become software developers

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